Every first Monday in September, Americans celebrate Labor Day. It is a national holiday and a celebration of the American labor movement. Each year, workers are recognized for their contribution to the economic and overall development of the country. For the upcoming Labor Day weekend, we have put together a list of projects you can consider working on.

    Clean out your closet. Cleaning your closet is a great way to reset things in your life. It will give you a chance to get rid of old, worn out pieces of clothing that you hardly ever wear and that take up a great deal of space in the closet.
    Organize your garage. Spend the long weekend organizing your tools and getting rid of the old items that help to clutter the space. If you do not have a shelving solution, consider installing one to make the process of finding things easier.
    Set up a vegetable garden. Make the most of the few months left before the winter comes. Use the Labor Day weekend to set up a quick and easy garden bed. You should be able to get a crop of two from the garden in the next six to twelve weeks. If you end up with excess, feel free to share the produce with your neighbors or store them in the freezer for future use. Tomatoes and herbs do well in raised gardens.
    Create a flower bed in your backyard. You can easily create or rejuvenate your backyard flower bed in a weekend. Add new top soil, prune the plants and add a few new flowers to the flower bed. If you are new to planting flowers, the representative at your local plant nursery should be able to assist you with tips for planting the specific species of plants you have purchased.
    Fix up your curb. Breathe new life into your curb by removing the weeds, mulching your plant roots or planting a few new plants. This is a simple project that can take you a few hours depending on the size and current state of your curb. In addition, it is one activity that will not only improve the look of your property, but also its value.
     Give you house a facelift. A coat of paint works wonders! Consider adding an additional coat of paint to your home to spruce it up a bit. If you use the same color, you may end up needing to only use one coat to transform the exterior or interior of the house. If you are not equipped to paint the entire property, consider touching up the areas that are most in need of some paint.

Spend a few minutes to browse the gallery below for ways in which you can renovate and improve your home over the long weekend.

How do you plan to celebrate Labor Day weekend? Share your plans with us!


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