When it comes to interior design, neutral colors are typically thought of as accents used to balance out more vibrant uses of color throughout a space. Neutral colors are perfect for achieving balance and can even be used to create an effective focal point in any room. Typically, neutral colors include black, white, gray, taupe and tan. Perhaps one of the biggest perks of decorating with neutral colors is that it serves for a subdued backdrop from which well-placed pops of color can truly shine.

Here are a few ways you can take natural colors from backstage to main stage.

Use the Walls

As the largest canvas in the room, do not overlook a wall’s ability to impact the overall space. There are a few options when it comes to adding neutral colors to the walls. Painting all the vertical walls in the room in a single color is one of the most popular design options. Another trendy design element for walls is what’s known as a feature wall.

Feature walls are great for making a statement when a room is lacking any distinguishing features of its own. Feature walls do not have to solely be a different color to stand out. An impact can be made by applying wallpaper, painting stripes or other patterns, or even using ambient light to create a soft glow.

Perhaps a bit less traditional, but just as effective at making a statement is using the ceiling as the feature wall in the room. Pulling this off can be a bit tricky, but taking advantage of every surface in the room and painting the “fifth wall” can really make a room stand out.

Don’t Forget About  Texture When Decorating With Neutral Colors

When the majority of the colors in a room are in the same family, it can be difficult to make the space appealing. This can be avoided by using textures and contrasting materials to create a sense of visual depth when decorating with neutral colors. Balance smooth materials like polished woods with coarse upholstery or rugs and other accent pieces varying in texture.

Neutral colors are ideal for areas where the goal is comfort and relaxation. Therefore, you should think about using them in common areas, bathrooms and bedrooms.

Well-designed spaces don not have to be “vibrant” or “colorful”. They just need to have a balance of tones, textures and materials. Experiment with ways to get the most out of your spaces without having to overload them with color.


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