Summer is a time for spending time outdoors and enjoying the warm weather. What also comes with the warmer weather is a the breakaway from the bleak surroundings and bland colors associated with being trapped indoor during inclement weather. By using the summer to inspire your interior design, you can transport all the positive aspects of summer into your home to boost your mood long after the seasons change. Below are a few ways in which you can achieve this.


Strategically decorating with color is the easiest way to have a dramatic impact on your home’s design. Fortunately, transforming the look and feel of your space is as simple and inexpensive as using a couple gallons of paint. When it comes to the summertime, the colors that immediately spring to mind are those warm in tone like orange, yellow and red. However, cool colors can also evoke a bit of summer nostalgia.

If you are not sure of which direction you should take for your summertime redesign, take a cue from nature. Try to re-imagine scenes from a cherished vacation you took or reference a photograph from your favorite place to visit during the summers.  Color combinations that work particularly well are blue and yellow, green and yellow along with any other naturally-occurring color and white.

It is important to arrange the mixture of colors in a way to achieve an ideal balance. This can be achieved by using varying hues of the same color alongside white or other neutral colors. For prized or valued pieces of furniture, art or other collectibles, highlight them in areas with pops of color to be sure they stand out and serve as conversation pieces.


A well-designed space is one that incorporates elements that appeal to multiple senses, not just sight. The primary way to incorporate textures into your home in order to evoke feelings of summer are with  furniture and accent pieces. Because furniture is more often than not the largest pieces in the room, the upholstery and fabrics you choose for them will play a significant role in the overall feel of your space.

Common summer textures include wicker,  woven materials and various types of wood. When paired with the color combinations mentioned above, what results is a beautifully arranged space that appeals to multiple senses.


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