In the age of matchbox houses, if you are lucky enough to have a laundry room, then you are lucky. You can do you laundry in peace and keep your dirty laundry hidden. However, the laundry room tends to be the dullest and least desirable room in the house. The droning sound of the washing machine can be downright depressing, not to mention the very act of ironing clothes. But since these are things that you must do, why not make the best of it? Good laundry room designs might not make the process fun, but it can definitely make it faster.

Get Organized When you are looking for basement design ideas, you need to plan out how you will use the available space. Remember that there are some prime elements in the laundry room – the dirty clothes, the clean un-ironed clothes, and the cleaning products. You need to figure out which should go where so that they will be close at hand just when you need them. You could even squeeze in an ironing table as it will allow you to complete your laundry work in the room itself. Try to think of the order in which you will do things so that you can arrange the elements accordingly. Sinks are a valuable addition to the laundry room designs as it comes handy when washing delicates, or pre-wash soaking.

Space Management Although laundry room is a bit of a luxury, more often than not, it is nothing more than a walk-in closet. As a result, space is always an issue. That is why you need to use the space the best you can. Cleaning products should ideally be kept in a closet so that they are hidden from view. The same goes for the dirty laundry. The next thing to consider is where you will fold the clean clothes. You can add a countertop that is of a convenient height so that you can do the folding with ease without having to bend too much. You can even install a pullout ironing board in the space between the countertop and washing machine.

Storage Solutions Laundry room ideas are incomplete without storage options. First, as discussed before, there are the hidden storage spaces that will house the cleaning products and the laundry basket. Then, you should try and incorporate an open or closed clothesline for the delicates as well clothes that cannot be tumble dried. Do make sure that you have some waterproofing because water will drip from the clothes. Try and avoid wooden storage options in the laundry room as there is a lot of moisture in the atmosphere. Since the laundry room is not such an exciting place, try and spruce it up with some vibrant colors and maybe a tiny TV! By making the most of the laundry room design, you can get the work done quicker and more efficiently.


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